If you are receiving the “this app is not licensed” error while opening the PSPlay app then don’t worry as here we will share the troubleshooting for this error.
The full error reads “This application is not licensed or valid. Please download the app from a trusted source.”
As per the users’ complaints, they have purchased the PSPlay app, but when they open the app, it shows this error.
As per our research, this error means that for some unknown reasons, the Google Play licensing API is not able to verify your purchase for the app.
According to our research most of the time this is just a temporary error coming because of some problem with the device, otherwise the app is having some issues on its end.
Fixes For PSPlay Error This App Is Not Licensed
- Before going into any troubleshooting we suggest to restart your device. Simply shut down your device for around 2 minutes and then restart your device, and then check if now you can access the PSPlay app.
- If the error persists after restarting your device then check if you need to update the PSPlay app. In case there is a pending update for the PS Play app then consider updating the app and then check for the error.
- In case the PSPlay app is up to date with its latest version then check if your device time and date setting is properly configured. In case you are using manual settings for your time and date then consider switching to automatic settings, and then check for the error again.
- If you have any VPN or ad-blocking app on your device then check if they are active while you are having the error. If they are active then it is possible that they might be conflicting with the PSPlay app resulting in this error. If this is the case you should consider disabling them and then check for the error.
- Next, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the PSPlay app. You need to simply uninstall the PS Play app and then restart your device, once your device restarts, reinstall the PS Play app and check for the error.
- If the error persists then as a last workaround, check if you need to update your device OS. If so then consider installing the pending update for your device OS and then check for the error.
- In case nothing is helping you with your issue then you should reach out to the support team to report this problem.
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