How To Fix GeForce Now Error Code 0xC2720015?

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Here in this article, we will share the details for the GeForce Now error code 0XC2720015.

You may experience this error while launching any game to play.

In case you are considering whether this is an issue from the game or GeForce Now then don’t get confused as this is an issue from the GeForce Now end. Yes in some cases this error may occur when game servers are down but most of the time this error comes from the GeForce Now.

You may have this error despite what game you are trying to play on GeForce Now. During our research, we have found players of Hunt Showdown, Chivalry 2, Apex Legends, and Forza Horizon have the same error.

In our research, we have found that there are two main reasons for this error. The first reason behind this error is any server-side issues on the GeForce Now end, otherwise game servers are down right now.

Most of the time this error doesn’t require any troubleshoots, players have to just wait for a couple of hours and the error will resolve itself.

GeForce Now Error Code 0xC2720015
GeForce Now Error Code 0xC2720015

Fixes For GeForce Now Error Code 0xC2720015

Fix 1: Check If You Can Play Other Games

The first thing we suggest you to do is to check if other games are working.

You need to restart your device and then check if you can play other games. If other games are also showing issues then this indicates some ongoing issues with the GeForce Now services.

In order to check the GeForce Now server status you can refer here. There you can check if there is any known service outage or scheduled server maintenance. In case there are any known issues then wait for a couple of hours and try playing again.

In case there is no known outage or server maintenance then check if you need to update the GeForce Now, if so then consider updating it and then check for the error again.

In case GeForce Now is up to date with its latest version but the error is still coming, we advise you to reboot your network, and then check if now you can access the game.

Fix 2: Check The Game Server Status

In case you can access other games on your GeForce Now and only having issues with any particular game, as well as GeForce Now is up to date and you have a working internet connection then you should check your game server status in order to see if the issue is coming from the game’s end.