How To Fix Star Citizen Error Code GenericInstallerError?

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Star Citizen error code GenericInstallerError mainly comes when users try to download Star Citizen.

The error reads, “An error has occurred during the installation process. Please report a bug if the problem persists. Make sure to include your logs.”

As per our research, this error mainly comes because of the wrong path or because there are some space-related issues.

Star Citizen Error Code GenericInstallerError

Fixes For Star Citizen Error Code GenericInstallerError

Fix 1: Check If You Are Choosing The Wrong Path

The first thing we suggest is to check if you are selecting the wrong path. During our research, we noticed many users who were having this error because they were selecting the wrong path for the installation.

You need to install the Star Citizen insider RSI Launcher/Star Citizen/Live.

Fix 2: Try Creating Folders Manually Before Selecting To Install

Many times this error comes when the installer is unable to create necessary folders, so consider creating the “Star Citizen/LIVE” folder manually under the RSI Launcher and then try to install the game.

Fix 3: Consider Running As Admin

If you still receive the error then consider running as admin. There were a few users who shared that this was helpful in resolving this error, so you can also try the same.

Fix 4: Make Sure There Is Enough Space

In case the error is still coming even though you tried running as admin then we advise you to check if you have enough space left.