How To Fix Fire Emblem Heroes Error Code 803-3009?

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Here we are going to share the details for the Fire Emblem Heroes error code 803-3009.

The error message reads “The device’s clock appears to be off. Please restart the app after adjusting the clock on the device.”

As per the official information shared by the developers, this error typically comes when your device time is out of sync.

However, as per our research, this error can also come because of any temporary glitches or bugs in the game.

Fire Emblem Heroes Error Code 803-3009

Fixes For Fire Emblem Heroes Error Code 803-3009

  • To deal with the issue, the first thing we suggest you to restart your phone. You can simply shut down your phone and restart it after a few seconds, or you can also perform a quick restart from the screen options. Once your phone restarts, check if the error persists.
  • If the error persists after restarting the phone then you should try to adjust your system clock. You can find your clock settings under the Date & Time settings. You can try switching between manual and automatic time settings.
  • In case your device time is correct and perfectly synced then we suggest you to check if you have any pending game updates, if so then consider updating the  Fire Emblem Heroes, and then check for the error.
  • In case the game is up to date with its latest version but the error is still coming then as a last workaround you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the Fire Emblem Heroes to fix any temporary glitches or bugs with the game that might be causing the error.