How To Fix Dragon Ball Super Fusion World Error Code 13?

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Here we are going to share the details for the Dragon Ball Super Fusion World error code 13.

The error reads “A connection error occurred”.

As per the players they face issues finding opponents in ranked matches and free matches, and if they try to play solo games this error comes up.

During our research we were unable to find any official information on the error but as the error says it looks like a connection issue between your device and servers. It is possible that servers are down or there is any temporary glitch resulting in this error.

Dragon Ball Super Fusion World Error Code 13

Fixes For Dragon Ball Super Fusion World Error Code 13

The first thing we recommend is to shut down and restart your device, then check if the error persists. If it persists then check if you need to update the game, and in case there is a pending update for the game then we advise you to update the game and then check for the error again.

Next, try connecting over a mobile hotspot or alternate Wifi connection to find out if this is a network-related issue. If connecting over the alternate network resolves the issue then we advise you to reboot your default network and then look for the error.

If the issue is not coming from the network then probably the servers will be down for some outage or maintenance work. To check for the server updates for the game you can refer to the official Twitter account.