Here we are going to talk about the Age of Empires IV error code COOT01 R04X-01 52656C690408 which stops the players from playing this game.
The error reads “You are currently either offline or not yet signed into the Xbox network please reconnect to sign into the game.”
Unfortunately during our research, we were unable to find any official information on this error from the developers but we were able to find some workarounds which we are going to share below in the article.
Fixes For Age of Empires IV Error Code COOT01 R04X-01 52656C690408
Fix 1: Try Relogging Into The Xbox Account
If you are playing on Xbox or PC then we suggest you log out of your Xbox account and then re-login.
In our research, we have found that this helped many players resolve this issue so we suggest the same for you.
Fix 2: Try Resyncing
In our research, we have encountered one user who shared that he needed to resync anything under the Xbox settings which resolved the issue, so if you are on Xbox then go to the settings and check if there is any option such as sync.
Fix 3: Try Other Workarounds
- Shut down your gaming device along with the router for around five minutes and restart them, then check for the error.
- Check if you need to update the game.
- Consider connecting over a different network.